"The Biggest Star In My life"

        In my life, there are times where I felt so alone, like walking on a cold dark road. A road that I can't even see the end of. Like my life keeps on turning and pulling me down on the edge of a mountain, and that it is full of darkness and it seeps right through me, making me absorb it unintendedly. Ever since I was a kid, there were people asking me about my gender, how I speak, how I move, and how I distance myself from other people. It keeps on running inside my mind until now that I started questioning myself. "Do I deserve this? Am I not worthy? What is my purpose?" Those are the questions I can't answer. I'm always trembling in confusion and fear. During my elementary days, I want to become Seaman. I want to sail all over the world and work hard so that I can help my mom and dad and my family to have a better life. Then in high school, I have been bullied a lot of times again because of my personality. And the most heartbreaking part was when my family is the one judging me. After those circumstances, I found a reason to believe in myself and that I can do anything if I have that hope inside of my heart.

           I have a Values education teacher who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is Marites Dulay. She touched the heart of her students from the past and even in the present time. She is the first teacher who witnessed and valued my skills and capabilities. She inspired me a lot and she is the reason why I want to pursue this course. She taught me how to be grateful even for the smallest things, and be courageous even if the big waves in our lives start to swallow our boat. When I was choosing my academic strand, I chose Humanities and Social Sciences strand because I want to become a Psychologist. I want to help people suffering from mental health problems, I want them to feel that they are not alone and that we are not walking on cold and empty roads. I want them to look at the past ahead than what they're currently seeing to see that it isn't the end. That there are greater things through it. We just can't see yet because we're too blinded by our problems. In life, we are walking on a road for us to see the beauty of life and the essence of making difference. I know that it's hard to follow my dreams but these dreams will lead me to success and victory in life. 

          This will be my greatest comeback from those people who belittled me before. I want to show that in life, you don't need to become powerful through riches and authority for you to have the success you want but instead I will show them that being empowered through riches in knowledge and strength mentally and physically is what makes you powerful. I want to become a psychologist so that I can help those people who want to have peace of mind and a life worth living. That in this life all of our emotions are valid, and our life is worth fighting for. A life that should be cherished until the end of time. I want to make a difference that having mental health issues and problems is not wrong. It's normal and that is part of our lives, and the best thing we can do to remove this problem is to seek professional services from professional people who master this field of human behavior. The relevance of Psychologists and psychiatrists in the world is very important. Humans tend to feel self-pity, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. We need to empower this field so that many people will be able to showcase their talents, skills, and abilities so that we are all free to become the best version of ourselves. There are relevant jobs that we can get after we pursue a BS degree in Psychology, and some of these are Clinical psychologist, Counseling psychologist, Education on the mental health practitioner, Occupational Psychology, and Human resource officer. 

         With this in mind, I am sure that my life will be exciting if I finished my study. I will be able to start helping other people to deal with their mental problems and help them develop for a brighter future. This is a course that opens a lot of opportunities to become the best version of ourselves. Having a healthy mind can lead to a better life. These are the reasons why I feel I am part of this course. I am always curious about anything, and I always observe and listen to what's happening around me before I give reactions or comments about certain happenings. In my circle of friends, I am the one who always advises my friends, and I love listening to them and the stories of other people. I feel like I am trustworthy because they can share with me their problems, struggles, and sorrow in life. A psychologist needs to have great communication skills, which is why I choose the Humanities and Social Sciences strand to develop and improve my speaking and communication skills. So that when the right time comes, I am ready and prepared for what will happen in the future. I tend to judge people before but after I take this strand and the DISS and DIASS subjects back in grade 11, I realized that understanding people's attitudes and behavior is much better than judging them so easily. I learned to observe and assess in myself what kind of person I am dealing with or if this person is having a hard time finding their self. That's why they were acting weird or something. I learned that we all have a difference. If we want to fix this world, then we must fix ourselves. And when I become a psychologist I will make sure to uplift the lives of those people suffering from sadness, pain, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems that can be solved by being a professional psychologist.


  1. Use those challenges and judgments in life as motivation for the betterment of yourself, not for revenge. I know it's hard to be bullied but always remember that what goes around, comes back around. I know it hurts more too when we hear hurtful words from other people, especially our family whom we least expected to hurt us the most. But they're our family and they only want what's best for us. They want you to stay true and trust them, because they know you the most and they want you to trust them as well. It's a give and take situation actually. So again, stay true to yourself, and protect your mental health. With that, you will really effectively help other people when you became what you want to be.

    1. Thank you and I will always take note of what you said.

  2. It is really hard to avoid and ignore those negative thoughts running through our heads, but despite that, I hope that you still find many reasons to be positive. You have a great future ahead of you, and I would be one of those people who would surely be proud of you once you got to be a professional psychologist. Up until this year, many people still didn't believe in depression. I really hope you will be one of those great psychologists and be the voice of many young adults who are running out of people who believe in them. Let us break the stigma!

    1. We can't avoid those harsh/negative words because it's part of our lives. But we can use that as an inspiration to continue what we love and what we want to do. We can always make a difference and prove to them that we have the brightest stars that will light up our way. I do hope that someday when the right time comes. I will make sure that I will be the voice of not just the youth but all the people who are suffering from these problems. You're right to let's start breaking the stigma. Our mental health matters the most. Thank you, my dear friend.

  3. I hope that when you fulfill your dream, more people will idolize you and admire you because someone like you will be a good imagination for the youth and you will be able to help many children who have also experienced what you have experienced. I know what you have experienced is difficult but just keep fighting no must give up no matter what the test goes through ☺

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am also rooting for you. May you reach all your dreams and goals in life.

  4. Just follow your dreams, there's no reason for you to listen to others bad opinions, just be yourself.

    1. I will take note of that. I hope you're doing fine.

  5. I totally agree! As they say, don't let the negativity get in your way. If you want to achieve your goals and dreams, you must learn to believe and trust yourself first.

    1. Likewise, let's start believing in ourselves every step of the way. The first person that must believe in ourselves is ourselves. No one will support and believe in us if we did not believe in ourselves first.

  6. We can't avoid people's negative opinions. Use that as your strength and don't let anyone ruin you. You are you. Goodluck to your journey!!!

    1. Aw, thank you so much. I am also rooting for you always find a reason to continue to do what you love. You can always count on me. Fighting, and good luck too on your journey.

  7. Everyone have their own dark days. We fall into sea of confusion, road of endless doubt and mountain of problems but even if, we continue to thrive to reach the light. Don't be affected by the negativity around you thus use it as reason to succeed, remember that pressure makes diamonds. Goodluck in your journey and dreams, I'm rooting for your success!

    1. Wow, thank you so much. You're right sometimes I feel like I am drowning but because of my dreams, I always find a reason to push myself and get out of that drowning water. Let's strive harder for our future and always remember that you're not alone. Good luck and keep the fire burning for a prosperous life.

  8. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It both makes me happy and makes me cry a little. One of us is kind enough and has a pure heart to want to help others. You want to listen and guide them to a bright and peaceful future. I hope you find your own happiness and are healed from your past. I will be rooting for you then!

    1. Thank you for your appreciation. I do hope to be healed from that experience so that I can move on. I love listening to other people that are going through the same. I want them to feel that they were not alone. I hope you're doing fine and I am rooting for you, clapping for you every step of the way. Thank you

  9. As I say over and over again, be a kite. The more people pull you down, the more you rise, and the flight becomes higher. because the day will come when the rope that pulls you down will give you the freedom to fly higher

    1. Let's use our dreams to fly with ease. I will be that kite that will fly high above the sky even if a strong storm tries to bring me down.

  10. As someone who experienced being judged by my own family and a person who has been bullied in high school, I understand what it felt like. Even up until now I lose confidence because of what I’ve experienced back then. But being stuck in the past won’t help us in the future. You are right, we should use all of those bad memories as our strength so that we can prove to the people who judged and bullied us that they are wrong and we won’t be affected to their words anymore because it’s our own life and their opinions about us doesn’t matter anymore.

    1. Exactly, it's easy to forgive but it's hard to forget. But let's live our lives to the fullest. Let our dreams and goals be the wind beneath our wings. We are not perfect but we are the best, always remember that you are important. Always have faith in yourself. If you need someone you can talk to me, just call my name and I'll be there. Good luck and enjoy every minute of your life. Thank you

  11. Don’t mind what other people say, Continue to chase your dream.

    Pandayon Future Psychologist

    1. Pandayon Future Educator/teacher. Good luck on your journey!

  12. Uncertainty is part of our lives; on our path, we may encounter a lot of questions to which we seek answers. However, may you find the light in the voidness. We humans embody flaws. It's not an imperfection, as we are perfectly fine. Let's say we live in this world full of mouths that have nothing sense to say. Be you and let the world adjust. May your tears be the key to the road to improvement.
    To our future psychologist, Puhon✊

  13. Thank you so much, may you find the strength to pursue your dreams and goals. Continue climbing up the stairs in your life, and chase your dreams like how you look at the stars in the sky. I'm always here supporting you every step of the way. Good luck!


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